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Machining of large valves

30 Azaroa 2023
Machining of large valves

Large valves are used in the oil & gas and other markets because they control the flow of fluids at high pressures and temperatures. These valves are essential for safe and efficient oil and gas production, transportation and storage operations.

In the oil and gas market, manufacturers use large valves in a variety of applications, including:

  • Flow control in oil and gas wells
  • Pressure regulation in oil and gas pipelines
  • Phase separation in refineries
  • Oil and gas storage in tanks

Manufacturers also use large valves in other markets, such as nuclear power, power generation, and the chemical industry. In these markets, large valves control the flow of hazardous or toxic fluids.

Manufacturers design large valves to withstand the extreme conditions in the oil and gas and other markets. They construct these valves from corrosion and wear-resistant materials, ensuring they operate safely and reliably for many years.

Large valves are essential to oil and gas production, transportation and storage operations. These valves help ensure the safety and efficiency of these operations.

We know these needs at ARRI Machining, so we have been specialising and adapting to these changes for more than 30 years with a high investment in machinery for machining large valves.

Complexity and machining requirements.

In the valve industry, manufacturers regard large parts as significant when they handle large fluid flows and withstand considerable pressure, leading to the need for manufacturing parts with increased volume.

For this purpose, we can machine large parts (up to Ø2400 mm and 25 t) thanks to the Trevisan DS1200 model.

Machining large valves presents significant challenges due to the complexity associated with their size and the specifications required. Some of the complexities include:

  1. Specialised machinery: Large-scale machinery and capacity are required to handle the dimensions of the valves, often involving more extensive and more advanced machining equipment.
  2. Tight tolerances: Achieving precise tolerances on large parts is more complex. Maintaining tight tolerances over large surfaces adds difficulty to the process.
  3. Handling heavy materials: Manufacturers often make large valves from heavy materials, requiring proper lifting and handling equipment to move and take these parts during machining.
  4. Stability and rigidity: Large parts can be susceptible to vibration and bending during machining. Maintaining stability and rigidity to ensure cutting accuracy is critical but challenging.
  5. Process time: Machining large valves can take considerable time due to the extent of the surfaces to be machined, which means longer and more meticulous processes.
  6. Special Tooling Requirements: The tools and fixtures required for machining large valves can be more costly and complex to manage due to their scale.

In short, machining large parts involves technical challenges ranging from handling heavy materials to precision in manufacturing large-scale parts, requiring specialised skills, appropriate equipment and meticulous processes.

Example: Machining gate valve 68”

A clear example of machining large valves is the 68" valve body shown in the following video.

The video shows the machining of the valve on a Trevisan DS1200/450c. This machine, well-known in the industry, excels in machining valve bodies due to its size and capabilities. It can handle parts weighing up to 25t, showcasing its large machining capacity. Throughout the process, the operators maintain strict tolerances to ensure the accuracy and quality of the finish.

Once ARRI has completed the machining process, the valve is subjected to rigorous testing to ensure its operation and safety.

At ARRI Machining, we are proud to have more than 30 years of experience being your partner in the machining of valves and fittings.

Contact us to find out how we can collaborate on your projects, ensuring quality, integrity and compliance with the standards required for your machining.

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